Mike Filsaime – The Real Man – The Real Truth

Hey guys,


I don’t really have an
internet marketing tip
but I do have a personal
story to tell you.


Most all of you know that
I am a volunteer Firefighter
here in Atascocita.

During Hurricane Ike I was holed up
at the station with about 40
other guys and at some point around
2:45 in the morning I found myself
monitoring the Command Center while
all the others slept.


There came a lull in the storm
and I actually re-gained phone service
and there was an email telling me about
a program Mike Filsaime was coming out
with in the morning.


Now, I knew in the morning I would be lucky
a roof over my head – much less lights
or the internet so I decided
to quickly text Mike and tell him
about my plight.


And BEG him to hold me a spot for
Traffic Fusion.


Imagine my shock when he Texted me right back!
3 AM – In the Morning!


Now, I won’t go into what he said – and I only
had his info because I met him through the Yanik Silver
Maverick Business Adventures, and what is
said between fellow Mavericks Stays between Mavericks,
but it stuck with me to this day.


Look, you will be inundated with people telling you about
Mike – most likely you already have been.


I just wanted to let you know about Mike the Man.



And YES – I do use his BF2 system – I had a sneak
peak at it already 😉

As we get close to next week – I will tell you even more
about how I am going to repay Mike – The Man!


Terry Wygal