This is his biggest real estate investing breakthrough in ten years

This is his biggest breakthrough in ten years

If you haven’t yet registered for tomorrow night’s free
teleseminar with Craig Garber, then do so right now.
Here’s a recent conversation I had
with Craig, and I think you’ll be interested in it.

Here’s the registration link for the call, by the way:


I’ve been involved in direct-response marketing and writing
copy for almost ten years now. I first got involved in
this because I owned a financial planning business and like
most entrepreneurs, I was completely clueless when it came
to marketing.

I was smart enough to realize I needed help back then and
I’m thrilled I moved forward — even though I was unsure of
myself, because it’s been a great journey so far.

See, I knew how to sell — but ask me how to get fresh new
prospects — not to mention QUALIFIED prospects— and I’d
give you that same “deer in headlights” clueless look, most
entrepreneurs have whenever you ask them about marketing.

For me, the biggest “A-ha” moment came when I realized I
could attract clients instead of having to chase them down.
This was most valuable because when you have such a strong
work ethic and you put so much into your business and into
your clients, the most degrading thing in the world is to
have to convince people to work with you.

Isn’t it?

When you have no control over who you work with, and when
you’re constantly chasing down anyone with a pulse to be
your client, you wind up putting up with a lot more crap
than you deserve.

But when you can attract qualified customers instead, this
eliminates that problem entirely, doesn’t it?

On tomorrow’s free teleseminar that I’m running for your
list, one of the things we’re going to be talking about is
“positioning.” (it’s actually Mistake #3)

And if there’s one thing I wanted to become an expert at,
this was it. Being a master at positioning lets you
control your destiny and lets you work with who YOU want to
work with — and— maybe even more important — lets you
get rid of those people you DON’T want to work with, as

And after all, isn’t that why we all went into business in
the first place? To call our own shots?

In fact, positioning has gotten me to the point where I
rarely will even take on clients any more simply because I
have enough irons in the fire now with ongoing new
businesses myself, that I just don’t have to. That’s why I
became a publisher, by the way — to truly call my own

Anyway, right now there are 725 people registered for this
call so it’s going to be a lot of fun.

So if positioning and writing compelling copy is important
to your list, they are going to get a TON of useful stuff
out of this call.”


In case you aren’t one of the 725 people who are registered
for this call, which is called “The 5 Most Costly Marketing
Mistakes Real Estate Investors Make: Which One Of Them Are
YOU Making Right Now?”, then hurry over here and sign up
right away after tomorrow, that’s it:


This isn’t the call you want to miss, believe me.

Now – Go Buy a House!

P.S. I am really excited about this call. Craig genuinely
enjoys teaching this material because it has had such an
incredible impact on his life, and on his family— and it
will have a similar impact on you and yours, as well. So
get on this free call tomorrow, simply by visiting this