Carrie is going to make YOU the Expert in your Field

Do you remember when I did the Renegade
Real Estate Warrior of the Year Contest
with Russell Brunson, Karen Schafer and Paul Gallaso?

Remember how it brought about 45 of
the Nation’s Top Experts together
in a series of weekly calls?

You see a lot of these types of
weekly training calls but what you may not
know it’s that it enabled me to grow
my List of people who follow me
by about 9,500 people in a few
short weeks.

It also put me at the top of a lot
of people lists in the real estate
game who still follow me.

Imagine what YOU could do with knowing what
mistakes were made, what successes where had
and what could be done to make it better.

Could YOU become the instant Expert in your field?

Well a good friend of mine is going to show you
exactly what she did, without an existing list,
without anyone knowing who the heck she is
and she STILL added about 4,400 people to her list.

Oh, and pocketed about $35,000 in cash also.

Now, this morning I sent an email out that
had a lesson and interview that Carrie did with
me about a year ago.

You can listen to that here:

It was a great interview called:

Forget The Law of Attraction! Let’s
Talk Action! and was an instant SMASH
to the privileged few that were able to
hear it.

I will also be taking it down soon.

BUT, what I did not tell you is that Carrie
is going to be showing you exactly how she
became the Instant Expert, Grew her list by
4,000 names and how YOU can do the exact same thing.

Tomorrow , Thursday the 9th of April.

Right here:

I look forward to listening in, how about you?
