
Hey guys,

I am about to upload another great video
for a client on the way to driving
them towards the Front Page of Google.

Yes, video plays a small role in
helping achieve that status – but
man is it so vital.

Last night my Mom, who is facing cancer
and if bouncing back Great, decided she
wanted to watch a movie.

So she and my wife and I plopped in front
of the tube and watched one together.

Now, for a lot of you that does not mean much.

For me – it was a Golden moment.

I mean to be able to do that after
being thhhiisssss close – well you get the idea.

Anyway – one of the things I did when I challenged
each of the speakers doing training, not Pitching,
for 3 days here in Houston was to Give Your All.

Give you all like it was your last presentation.

To NOT come in and Pitch – but rather teach.

To give YOU the ability to walk out with
the rights, the ability and the Knowledge
to start creating Multiple Streams of Income.

Speakers like David Frey, from right here in Houston
who has made it a mission to help small businesses
around the world create better marketing.

David also helps out families across the nation that
need help with things like water, food, schools – the
list really goes on and on.

Look – I have done a few things in my time with
helping families, but David goes so far beyond
the call of duty.

And he does the Exact same thing when teaching.

Come join us in May right here in Houston.

But you better hurry up.

Terry Wygal is a Real Estate Investing
Coach and Mentor