1 Dragon You Must Slay today…

Hey guys,

You know that my Mom has
cancer and is now staying
with us right?

I want you to ask yourself

If you were placed in a position
where you HAD to care for someone,
Could you?

Could you take the time off needed?

Could you drop everything?

See – I heard Tony Robbins ask
this simple question:

If your child had the ability to walk,
barring any physical limitations, would
you allow them to quit trying because they
became frustrated?

NO – Of course not – you would encourage
them, you would challenge them, you would
praise them until victory That first step!

I was at a training recently and I kept hearing
the same negative language that stops most
people dead in their tracks.

The same Dragons that kills most investor

I can’t because – –

I don’t have the money.

I don’t have a good postcard.

I don’t have a mentor.

I don’t have a contract.

I don’t know what to say.

Well – let me ask this:

What if you HAD to do a deal?

What if your family’s well being, the ability
to eat and have a roof over your head
depended on it?

If someone was holding a gun to the head
of a loved one – told you go make me $1,000
right now – what would you do?

I am sure you would start thinking about
the ways you could Charge Ahead and kill
the F.E.A.R. that has built up inside you
all of these years.

Me? I am gonna slay some Dragons this Week –

How about you?

Also – one last thing.

Look – if you are not on Twitter – come
join me there:


And on Face Book:


I am going to be doing some
things there that you will not see elsewhere.

Some training, some links to training videos,
that will not come through email, they
will be exclusive to Twitter or Face Book.

So please – head over – Follow me or
Friend me – and say hello – I would
really like that.

Terry Wygal

Terry Wygal is a Real Investor, mentor and Coach.